Refresh Series
reFresh Full Size Units
All-in-one units to introduce fresh air from the outside into the residence. The reFresh series is specifically engineered to meet building and energy codes that call for ASHRAE 62.2 CFM requirements. The reFresh Full Size
Units have set speeds at 40, 100, and 170 CFM (Low, Medium, and High).
reFresh Low Profile
Low profile, all-in-one units to introduce fresh air from the outside into the residence. The reFresh series is specifically engineered to meet building and energy codes that call for ASHRAE 62.2 CFM requirements. The reFresh
Low Profile Units have set speeds at 40, 100, and 140 CFM (Low, Medium, and High).
reFresh Value
The reFresh Value Series introduces fresh air from the outside into the residence. The value model is specifically engineered to meet building and energy codes that call for ASHRAE 62.2 (2010), IRC (2012/2015), and IMC (2012/2015)